safety tips

Safety Tips for Light Industrial Workers

A light industrial workplace can be dangerous, filled with constantly moving machinery and heavy items. While there are numerous daily pressures, such as production deadlines and sometimes conflicting demands, safety should always be at the top of the list. Staying safe in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility, and everyone must be held accountable. To stay as safe as possible, follow these safety tips for light industrial workers.

1. Take Breaks

Perhaps surprisingly, one of the most important safety tips is to take regular breaks. That’s because workplace safety depends on staying focused. When you get tired, you’re much more likely to make mistakes. Even a short break can help you clear your head and energize your body, helping you stay safer. Be sure to eat regularly and drink lots of water.

2. Respect the Equipment

Although you may enjoy working with all the different tools and equipment, it’s important to remember that it only takes a moment for things to turn dangerous. Always treat your worksite with respect. Make sure that all maintenance is up to date, never use items in a way they weren’t designed for, and never remove a safety guard from any machine or tool.

3. Avoid Falling Objects

Most warehouses are packed with items stacked to the rafters, which could put you at risk for something falling on your head. When stacking, make sure everything is stable and secure. To the extent possible, try to put the heaviest items on lower shelves.

4. Use Proper Lifting Techniques

One of the easiest ways to hurt yourself is through improper lifting. Use any tools or equipment that your employer provides, from forklifts to back braces, to minimize your risks. When manually lifting, keep your back straight and lift with your legs. Never attempt to manually lift something that is too heavy for you to comfortably and safely carry.

5. Address Safety Hazards

As you go about your day, keep an eye out for potentially unsafe situations, from a machine making strange noises to a puddle of water on the floor. Address the situation according to your safety training, and immediately let a supervisor know. Management can’t be everywhere, so you need to be their eyes and ears on the floor.

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