fight work fatigue

3 Tips to Fight Fatigue While Working

Fatigue is more than simple sleepiness. It can also encompass a sense of exhaustion, feelings of low energy, and a seeming inability to accomplish even easy tasks. Physical jobs such as warehouse work can contribute to fatigue from overtaxing your muscles and joints, and working overnights or rotating shifts can make it worse. To reduce your chances of becoming fatigued, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. If it comes on during the workday, though, here are a few tips for fighting fatigue at work.

1. Have a Healthy Snack

It’s easy to reach for junk food when you’re tired, but this can cause a blood sugar spike and crash that leaves you feeling even worse. Instead, grab a protein-based snack that will help stabilize your blood sugar and provide plenty of energy. Good workday options include trail mix, protein bars, granola, or a light sandwich.

2. Get Moving

When fatigue hits, the thought of doing anything physical can seem overwhelming. But exercise boosts blood flow and concentration. Do some simple stretches or take a quick walk. If possible, go outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery. Just five to ten minutes of exercise can help you feel more awake and focused.

3. Grab a Drink

Dehydration leads to fatigue, even if you’re otherwise well-rested. The best choice is a sports drink, which contains electrolytes that can help your system rebalance itself. Plain water also works well. Caffeine can provide a much-needed energy boost, but be careful. Consuming too much caffeine can make you jittery, and drinking caffeinated beverages late in your shift can lead to trouble sleeping. If you want coffee or a soda, follow it up with a glass of water, and stop consuming caffeine at least two hours before you get off work.

Fatigue is a common problem, but there is no need to suffer. Focus on improving your sleeping and eating habits outside work, and follow these easy tips for fighting fatigue at work.

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