handle the night shift

6 Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Help You Handle Nightshift

Whether you’re a natural night owl or not, working the nightshift can wreak havoc on your health. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to help your body adjust to overnights. Here are some healthy lifestyle tips to help you not only survive but thrive when working the nightshift.

1. Promote Restful Sleep

Our bodies are naturally designed to sleep when it’s cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout shades, turn down the air conditioner, and run a white noise machine to promote restful daytime sleep. Let your family and friends know what your sleeping hours are and ask them not to disturb you. When it’s time to get up, go outside if the sun is still shining or turn on a bright light to help your body transition to wakefulness.

2. Sleep 7 Hours or More

The rest of the world operates during daylight hours, and it can be tempting to try to join in as much as possible. But sleep is vital to good health, no matter which shift you work. Set your schedule in a way that allows you to sleep at least seven hours per night.

3. Maintain Your Sleep Cycles

On days off, you might be tempted to switch back to daytime activities. But this will only lead to an endless cycle of symptoms resembling jet lag. Instead, try to sleep the same hours every day regardless of whether you’re working or not. Also build plenty of downtime into your days off, from watching movies to participating in hobbies.

4. Watch Your Diet

It’s easy to snack your way through nightshift, but over time, this can be hard on your body. Strive to eat regular, healthy meals instead. Most people need three meals per day plus a snack or two. Eat something shortly before work, take a meal break halfway through your shift, and then eat again before going to bed. Consume a balanced diet with plenty of protein and vitamins as well as carbs.

5. Hydrate

Dehydration can make you tired, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout your shift. Also hydrate well during your off hours, especially right before you go to bed. Otherwise, you’re likely to have to get up and drink something.

6. Exercise

Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. If you start feeling tired at work, get moving. Take a walk, do a couple of laps up and down the stairs, or do some stretching at your workstation. Exercise helps to promote blood flow and wakefulness, giving you extra energy to get you through the night.

Nightshift can be a challenge, even if you’re naturally a night owl. But following a few simple tips can help you adapt and even enjoy working the nightshift.

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