Why workplace safety is a team sport

Why workplace safety is a team sport

Did you know that workplace safety is a team sport? That’s right. The safety of your workplace is the responsibility of everyone who is employed by that company. In order to protect yourself and others, you must be proactive and ready to report anything that is considered a safety hazard before it becomes an accident or emergency.

Why workplace safety is a team sport:

  1. Be proactive.
  2. Stay focused.
  3. Wear protective gear.
  4. Follow machine instructions and company policy.

Be proactive.

Taking the lead on a situation before it becomes a hazard to yourself or the team is a great way to be proactive. If you see potential hazards, be sure to report them to the department lead or manager before they become a bigger issue. The thing about being proactive is that it doesn’t harm anyone. The truth is, you never know what you are saving someone from when you are proactive.

Stay focused.

When you become distracted you are putting yourself and your team at risk for injury. It’s important to stay focused on the task at hand because depending on the job your life or the lives of others could be at risk. If you become tired while on the job it is important that you take the recommended breaks, eat a well-balanced lunch, and get plenty of sleep the night before.

Wear protective gear.

No matter the career, there is a safety protocol in place. It is important that you abide by that because the rules that seem taxing could save your life. Always wear the protective gear that is required and remind your team to do the same. Following safety procedures will help protect you if an accident were to occur. Always talk to your boss or HR if you have further questions.

Follow machine instructions and company policy.

When working with machinery it is crucial that you follow the instructions on the machine and apply the training that you learned. All of these things are put in place and taught to you because they want to keep you from harming yourself or others. Taking shortcuts or forgetting to do one thing because it doesn’t seem to matter could put lives at risk. Assisting others in training and procedures is a great way to help ensure that your team is safe while on the job.

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