6 Reasons Why Networking is Essential to Your Career

You may already know that networking is considered an ideal way to get a new job. But did you know that networking is valuable throughout your entire career? One of the biggest mistakes rookie job seekers make is trying to network with everyone, which can be overwhelming and even make you look needy or desperate. Here’s why you should focus on building a carefully curated network that you stay in touch with long after getting your next job.

1. Building a Platform

Networking helps you develop a platform by increasing your visibility. Your network can enhance your professional status and lend credibility to your claimed skills and experiences. This makes it more likely that employers will take a chance on you, especially in “stretch” positions that are a level above where you are now.

2. Finding Mentors and Mentees

No one makes it through a lifelong career without encountering some challenges along the way. Having a strong network increases your odds of finding one or more mentors to help you through the rough patches. As you gain experience, you can start to mentor others who are just starting out in your field.

3. Discovering New Opportunities

Many of the best jobs are never advertised to the public. Your network may be the key to finding the position of your dreams. You might even get a personal introduction to the person who makes the key hiring decisions at a company you’ve been dying to work for.

4. Creative Growth

No matter how good you are at your job, exchanging ideas with others can help you take your career to the next level. You never know who may inspire you, or which seemingly random interaction may lead to a breakthrough. Your network can also help keep you feeling inspired, no matter how long you’ve been in the same career.

5. Extra Resources

It would be impossible for any one person to know everything there is to know about any career. Your network can help you stay up to date on trends, best practices, and other important aspects of your job.

6. Building Relationships

Ultimately, your network is a collection of individual relationships. This additional support can be extremely valuable, especially if you have trouble connecting with your current coworkers or leadership or recently started a new job. Knowing that you have support can help you make it through whatever challenges your career might throw at you.

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