Looking for a job during the year

3 Best Times of the Year to Look for a Job

From holiday music and snowball fights to summer beach trips, life follows a certain seasonality. The job market is no exception. While there are always jobs available, your odds of finding a new position are higher at specific times of the year. Here are the three best times of year to look for a job.

First of the Year

The beginning of the year brings new opportunities in many areas, including job hunting. With everyone back to work after the holidays and new budgets out, companies are ready to bring on new team members. It can take a few weeks to get things going, though, so late January and into February are ideal. Just keep in mind that the hiring process may move slowly since businesses have plenty of time and resources to sort through candidates.


If you miss the hiring period early in the year, don’t fret. Spring can be an excellent time to land a new job. Positions that weren’t filled in January or February are now becoming urgent, as most companies prefer to get hiring out of the way before the summer vacation season starts.


After a decided slowdown during the dog days of summer, hiring typically picks back up in the fall. Vacation season is over, and hiring managers face a sense of urgency to use up all available resources, lest their superiors decide that positions still open at the end of the year are unnecessary. Plus, some of the people hired earlier in the year won’t have worked out, so those positions will be open again.

If you’re out of work between hiring seasons, don’t give up hope. There will always be jobs that need to be filled. Take advantage of the slower season to update your resume and work on your interview skills, and then start submitting whenever you’re ready. It could take a little longer, but you will eventually find the right new position.

Looking for a New Job?

If you’re ready to take your career in a new direction, Custom Staffing can help. Take a look at our available positions and then apply today.