Summer Safety Tips to Enforce for Your Warehouse Workers

Summertime is a peak time for warehouse workers, but it can also be dangerous. Heat and humidity, coupled with long hours, can be a recipe for disaster. Here are a few tips for keeping your team safe during the summer months. Be sure to hold regular meetings during which you share and reinforce these guidelines.

Hydrate Frequently

The human body copes with heat by sweating. But if you don’t replace the fluids you lose from sweat, you’re at risk for dehydration and other heat-related illnesses. Make sure your workers have continual access to water or, even better, a sports drink such as Gatorade or Powerade. Remind them to drink even before they feel thirsty, and be sure to provide regular access to restrooms!

Maintain Your Equipment

Machines, like humans, are at risk of overheating. Make sure you set and follow a regular maintenance schedule, and that your employees are up to date on the signs that a machine is starting to overheat.

Take Breaks

Swigging water throughout the day is great, but breaks are also important, especially during the summer. Employees should have rest periods throughout the day to sit in the shade, eat light snacks, and rehydrate. This will keep them healthy and productive through even a long day.

Sun Protection and Heat Acclimation

Anyone working outside, not in the shade, needs extra sun protection. Encourage your workers to wear sunscreen and reapply it several times during the day. They should also wear some type of hat to keep the sun out of their faces. Give new employees the chance to acclimate to the heat by spending part of each day indoors during their first few weeks.

Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses

Both you and your employees have a responsibility to monitor for signs of heat-related illnesses. Any employee who experiences any of the following should be moved to air conditioning or shade and given sports drinks or water and a salty snack right away:

  • Profuse sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Inability to focus
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Muscle cramps

If more serious signs are noted, such as loss of consciousness or seizures, call 911 immediately.

Working in the heat is a fact of life for warehouse workers, but it can be dangerous. Make sure your employees know how to protect themselves, and empower everyone to get themselves and each other out of the heat if they start to show signs of illness.

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