Teamwork in the Workplace: 10 Qualities of an Excellent Team Player

Teamwork is essential in any workplace, but how can you be a better team player? Here are a few qualities to develop to make sure you’re a valuable part of any team.


Great team players are in it for the long haul. They’re committed not only to the team itself, but also to its needs and goals. It’s not enough just to show up, though that’s a good start. You’ll also want to make every moment with your team count.


An excellent team player knows that every path forward is filled with twists and turns. Learn to adapt as new challenges arise rather than insisting on following a hard and fast plan.

Participation and Leadership

To paraphrase Deadliest Catch Captain Phil Harris of the F/V Cornelia Marie, there are three types of people: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what just happened. A great team player knows how to make things happen while ensuring that the entire team is part of the success.


Your team needs to know that they can count on you to deliver. Learn to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.

Active Listening

To be a great team player, actively listen to each person’s point of view. Ask clarifying questions, restate what you heard, and take everyone’s thoughts into account.


Always be open and honest. Share information freely. Be honest about what you don’t know, and focus on the team’s success rather than your own.


Be generous with your knowledge and skills. Always offer to assist team members with their tasks, but resist the urge to claim credit for their work.


You won’t agree with everything your teammates say, and you don’t need to. But you do need to show them respect. Their ideas are just as valid as yours, and their solutions might just work. Always respect what others say, and learn to disagree in a healthy and productive way.

Problem Solving

A great team player always strives to be part of the solution. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with novel solutions. Just be sure to present them in a professional manner.


Strong team players are humble. Own your mistakes. Back off your ideas if they aren’t working or if they aren’t being accepted by the group. Give credit to others. Recognize that you are just one member of the team, and don’t hog the spotlight.

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