How to Work the Night Shift and Stay Healthy: 8 Essential Tips

Even if you naturally stay up late, working the night shift can be tough. You’ll need to take active steps to help your body and mind adjust to the hours. But if you prioritize your health, you can survive and even thrive through the overnight hours.

Improve Your Sleeping Conditions

Humans naturally sleep when it’s quiet, dark, and cool. You won’t get restful sleep if the sun is streaming in and you’re hearing a lot of noise. So ask your family not to disturb you, turn on a sound machine, lower the temperature, and use blackout shades. When you get up, get a dose of either natural sunshine or bright artificial light to signal your body that it’s time to go.

Remember to Sleep

With daytime hours available, you might be tempted to get involved in a bunch of activities. But your body still needs sleep. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep per 24 hour period.

Regulate Your Schedule

You might want to switch your schedule back and forth depending on whether you have the day off. But this will put you in a permanent cycle that is similar to jet lag. Sleep similar hours each day, no matter whether you’re working that night.

Make Time for Yourself

Hobbies and self-care are important for everyone, no matter when you work. Do something creative when you get home, find an all-night bowling alley, or go for a morning jog before bed.

Boost Your Nutrition

Snacking can give you a quick energy boost, but it can wreak havoc on your body over time. Try to eat three meals per day along with one or two snacks. Eat like you would if you were on the day shift: breakfast before work, lunch during your shift, and dinner before bed. Be sure to get plenty of vitamins and protein.

Stay Hydrated

Getting dehydrated will make you feel more tired, so keep drinking water during your shift. Caffeine is okay early in the evening, but stop drinking it a couple of hours before you go home or you may have trouble falling asleep.

Get Some Exercise

Moving around is one of the best ways to beat back sleepiness at work. Take a walk if you can, or at least stand up and stretch. Also make sure that you’re getting 30 minutes of exercise at least five days per week.

Don’t Neglect Your Social Life

Making plans can be challenging if you’re on the night shift and everyone you know works days. But make the effort to see people at least once a week. It’s incredibly important for your mental health.

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