Looking for Motivation? Try These Podcasts for Inspiration

Staying motivated can be tough, especially during the emotional roller coaster of the year 2020. It helps to know that you’re not alone and to get some guidance from a trustworthy voice. Podcasts have become incredibly popular, as they’re easy to fit into your routine and typically offer useful advice in easy to follow chunks. If you need a bit of inspiration, here are a few podcasts to try.

Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life

Are you struggling to find the meaning in it all? Digital strategist and personal branding expert Francine Beleyi blends interviews with tips and suggestions to create a rich, advice-filled guide to finding the significance in your journey.

The School of Greatness

We all want to succeed, but it can be tough to define what that means and develop a road map to get there. Former athlete and bestselling author Lewis Howes digs deep into the qualities that successful people share.

Lead to Win

Leadership is a soft skill that not only looks good on your resume but can change your life. Former CEO turned leadership expert Michael Hyatt offers an insightful look at how to develop and make the most of your leadership skills.

The Charged Life

Need an energetic life coach to get you moving in the morning? Bestselling author and high-performance coach Brendon Burchard knows how to tap into your inner drive. Are you ready to supercharge your life?

The Dave Ramsey Show

It’s hard to feel motivated when finances are a constant worry. Let financial guru Dave Ramsey help you on your journey to financial freedom. This, in turn, will give you the space you need to live your best life.

The One You Feed

The One You Feed is based on an old parable that says everyone has two wolves inside, and the one you feed is the one that sticks around. Author and behavior coach Eric Zimmer changed his own life, and now he’s here to help you find meaning and fulfillment.

Podcasts are an easy way to inject some motivation into your life. Listen to several to determine what resonates with you, and then make a commitment to following one or a few regularly.

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