The Top Mood Boosters During the Winter Months

If you get a case of the winter blues, you are not alone. Especially after the busy holiday season, it’s only natural to start feeling down as the winter drags on. But there are several steps you can take to boost your mood during these cold, dark days.

Get Some Fresh Air

It’s important to make time to get outside every day, no matter how cold it might be. Natural sunlight, a view of nature, and some fresh air can dramatically boost your mood. Just make sure you dress appropriately for the weather, and don’t overdo it based on your current physical condition. Even a few minutes of standing on your porch is better than staying inside all winter.

Light Up Your Life

There’s a reason that the winter holidays are filled with lights. You may have long since taken down your Christmas tree or menorah, but it’s still important to bring light into your home at this time of year. Light therapy is a key part of treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and even those with a mild case of winter blahs can benefit. Light some candles, turn on lamps, or pick up a light therapy box. You’ll get a healthy boost of serotonin, which helps to stabilize mood.

Follow a Healthy Diet

Eat a nutrient-rich diet that includes foods of every color of the rainbow. Soups and stews can help fortify you against the cold, while comfort foods can bring you an instant dose of happiness. It’s fine to indulge in treats as well, just don’t make them the center of your diet.

Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important to both physical and mental health. But it can be tough to balance your sleep during the long winter nights. Fortunately, you can experiment with different light levels to help get the sleep you need. Keep lights on around your home well into the evening. Then, a couple of hours before bedtime, start turning them off. By about 30 minutes before you go to bed, you should be down to a minimal amount of indoor lighting. This will help cue your body that it’s time for sleep. In the morning, it may still be dark outside. But you can jumpstart your day by sitting in front of a light box for 15-30 minutes or simply turning on several lights.

If your winter blues don’t improve, it may be time to seek professional assistance. If you’re just feeling a bit down, though, the tips above should help you feel better until spring arrives.

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