multi-generational workforce

Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce

Today’s workforce consists of a stunning five generations: The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. Most work teams have members of at least two or three generations in close collaboration. This can bring some complex challenges, as different generations have different ideas of how work should be done. Yet there’s also a golden opportunity for flexible managers to bring out the best in everyone and make sure the whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts. Here are some tips for success.

Avoid Assumptions

While some generalities tend to apply to each generation as a whole, they can’t necessarily be applied to individuals. Be careful not to stereotype your employees based on generation, gender, or anything else. Keep the lines of communication open. Ask each person how you can best help them achieve success.

Be Engaged

Build bonds with your team members. Check-in with them now and then. Issue challenges and encourages them to rise to the occasion. As a very general rule, Millennials and Gen Z workers tend to prefer more hands-on leadership, while Gen X, Baby Boomers, and the Greatest Generation enjoy more autonomy. But again, these are only generalities. Figure out what works best for the individuals on your team rather than treating them differently solely based on age.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

You can learn a lot about your employees by opening a dialogue, but be careful not to sound confrontational. If you want to know why a worker always has headphones on, or goes jogging during lunch, or hates answering the phone, ask in an inquisitive manner that seeks understanding. For example, “Why won’t you answer the phone?” sounds like a critical parent. “Do phone calls interrupt your workflow?” sounds like you’re concerned about your employee’s wellbeing. Always think about how the things you say can generate an open discussion that encourages team members to speak freely without fear of reprisal.

Managing a multi-generation workforce is not easy, but the rewards can be well worth it. Stay flexible, seek understanding, and treat each employee as an individual, and you will find that cross-generational teams can create a truly outstanding work product.

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