6 Tips for Making Friends at Your New Job

Landing a new position is exciting, but it can also be a bit scary. One of the biggest things people tend to worry about is whether they will fit in. Humans are social creatures, and the first days at a new job can feel isolating. Here are some tips to make friends fast.

Be Friendly

If you’re naturally introverted, this can be tough. But one of the easiest ways to make friends at work (or anywhere!) is simply to be friendly. Approach people. Smile and introduce yourself. Then let the conversation develop naturally.

Say Yes

This is another tricky one for introverts, but it can make a real difference. If new coworkers invite you to lunch or there’s a Saturday morning get-together, say yes to these opportunities. It can be easier to make friends during off hours, when you have time to focus on each other instead of the job at hand.

Ask for Help

Being the new person comes with one huge advantage—no one expects you to know how things work. Reach out and ask someone how to use the copy machine or where the bathroom is. These tiny interactions can break the ice, making it easier to talk more later.

Show Interest

As a new employee, you’re in the spotlight. But you can turn that around by asking coworkers about themselves. Show interest in them as people, just be careful not to cross any lines. Asking about favorite sports teams or music tastes is fine, while asking about a significant other could come across as flirting.

Find Commonalities

Look for things that you have in common with the other person. Maybe you’re both foodies or you know a lot of the same people or you go to the same bar on Friday nights. These points of common interest could lead to future friendships.

Avoid Drama

It’s fine to connect over frustration with something at work, such as a machine that always breaks down or a slow internet connection. But don’t get drawn into gossiping about people. It never works out well, especially when you’re the newbie.

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