Got Low Morale at Work? Here are Five Ways to Improve It

Morale at work can be loosely defined as your overall outlook, including your emotions, attitude, and satisfaction with your job. Low morale can make you less engaged and productive, as well as causing feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. If your low morale is severe and ongoing, it may be time for a new job. But if you just have a case of the workplace blues, here are a few ways to turn your feelings around.

Get Some Training

Professional training will improve your overall knowledge and skills, and could even set you up for a promotion. And learning new skills can help boost your morale by helping you develop a clearer view of your career goals. There are many different ways to obtain training, including:

  • Professional workshops
  • Job shadowing
  • Seminars
  • Formal or informal online courses

Find a Purpose

Low morale can occur when you feel like your work has little meaning. Turn it around by taking on projects that make you feel more fulfilled. Get involved in work-sponsored volunteer opportunities. Help out colleagues. Figure out how your job has a positive impact on society. And keep a running list of the projects you have completed, which can help you see the value you have with your company.

Break Out of Your Routine

Everyone needs a certain amount of structure and familiarity. But doing the same thing day in and day out can become monotonous, lowering your morale. Shake things up by taking on new projects or contributing to different teams. Or start small by simply taking a new route to work or trying a different restaurant for lunch. The novelty may just be what your brain needs to start thinking more creatively about your work and your future.

Celebrate the Small Wins

It’s easy to get trapped in a never-ending to-do list, barely acknowledging one project’s completion before moving on to the next. Low morale will inevitably follow. Break the cycle by celebrating your small wins. When you reach a goal, treat yourself to an expensive coffee or a decadent lunch. When you complete a bigger project, take the day off or see a movie after work. Positive reinforcement can go a long way toward keeping your morale high even when tasks are piling up.

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