Are you looking for a change, but worried that you’re underqualified for the job you want? This is an incredibly common fear, especially if you are radically changing career fields or even job titles. It’s important to recognize and address it early on, though, because this mindset can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You might put off applying for that amazing new job or blow the interview out of nerves. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to overcome the fear of feeling underqualified.
Focus on Your Strengths
Not all skills and experience are gained in a paid work setting. If you’re feeling especially drawn to a particular job, the odds are good that you have more than a passing interest in that field. Did you take woodshop or other practical courses in school? Do you have hands-on experience doing something similar in your personal life?
For example, you might not have been a professional landscaper, but maybe you have the best lawn in town. Don’t forget your hobbies. If you’ve ever built a set for a local theater show, you know your way around tools, which can translate to all sorts of light industrial jobs.
Be Realistic
If you’re entirely changing directions, you may not get to your dream job right away. Carefully analyze job descriptions for both your ideal position and one that is a rung or two down the ladder. Think about where your current skill set fits in, and how you can translate your life experiences to meet the job requirements.
Apply for the job that seems like the closest fit, while simultaneously creating an action plan to add the strengths you need for a promotion. Knowing that you’re an excellent fit for a position can dramatically reduce your fear, while working towards a bigger goal keeps you excited and striving for the future.
Talk It Out
It’s easy to get caught in a fear loop. Worrying about being underqualified can lead you to restrict your job search. Restricting your search reinforces your fear. To break the cycle, talk through your feelings with someone you trust. This could be your spouse, a close friend, or even a professional therapist. The goal is to vocalize your feelings and shift your thinking back to reality.
A little fear is a good thing. It keeps you on your toes and helps you become the best version of yourself. Too much fear, though, can become paralyzing. Focus on your strengths, stay realistic, create an action plan, and talk through your feelings, and you’ll soon find that you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
Ready to Make a Change?
To learn how Custom Staffing can help you successfully reach your job goals, contact us at 419-221-3097 or apply online today.