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Define Your Career Goals for 2022 Using These Tips

You probably already know that, like New Year’s resolutions, the turning of the year is a great time to set new career goals. But also, like New Year’s resolutions, goals that are nebulous and ill-defined won’t get you very far. Here are some tips to help you define your career goals for 2022 in a way that sets you up for success.

1. Long-Term

Start by defining one or two long-term goals. These can be things that you want to accomplish by the end of the year. Do you want to land a job at a specific company, change fields, or get a promotion? Figuring out where you want to go is the first step in deciding how to get there.

2. Short-Term

With your long-term goals in mind, break each one down into several short-term goals or milestones. Think of these as steps along the way to reaching your long-term goals. For example, if you want to change fields, you might need to take a course or two to improve your skills in the new area. Completing each of those courses would be a separate short-term goal.

3. Specific

To be valid, each goal must be specific. Don’t just say, “I want a new job.” Describe the type of job you want. What do the hours look like? Are there specific day-to-day tasks you want to do? What sort of company culture are you looking for?

4. Measurable

How will you know when you achieve your goal? Some career goals are easy to measure, such as passing a specific class. But other goals are harder to pin down. Try adding numbers or timelines to make them more measurable. Instead of saying, “I want to learn to code,” try saying, “I want to understand the basics of Python by April.”

5. Realistic

Your career goals must be realistic, based on your current level of education and experience. It’s entirely possible that someday you’ll win a Tony award. But if your only acting experience was portraying a tree in your third-grade class play, that’s not a realistic goal for the next year (though you could certainly set a goal of landing your first professional acting job within a year). Make sure whatever long-term goals you set are within your reach over the next year and that your short-term goals support your long-term goals.

6. Action-Oriented

Make sure you are constantly moving toward something rather than running away from something. Use action verbs to describe your next steps: “I want to write content for a living,” “I want to pursue an MBA,” or “I want to work in the marketing department at XX company.” Keep it short, positive, and upbeat.

Setting career goals is one thing. But defining them in a useful way is far more likely to set you up for success in 2022 and beyond.

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