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4 Ways to Advance in Your Industry Without an Internship

An internship can be a fantastic way to gain experience and make valuable contacts in your industry. But what if you can’t get one or aren’t in a financial position to work for free? Fortunately, there are alternatives to a traditional internship. Here are a few different ways to get ahead.

1. Take a Temp Job

A contract position (temp job) in your field can give you many of the same benefits as an internship, including contacts and on-the-job experience. But you will also get paid. Contracts are available in all different lengths, depending on the company’s needs, so you might even be able to take a few temp jobs before entering the full field time. This lets you gain experience in different aspects of your industry, and you might even be able to turn one of the jobs into a full-time position.

2. Count Your Outside Experience

When building your resume, don’t forget about any relevant experience you might have outside of paid work. Were you a member of any related school clubs? Did you take a class in web design? Any professional development courses? What about volunteer service? Many common activities build skills that can be translated into the workplace.

3. Think About an Apprenticeship

Some companies have formal apprenticeship programs, but even those without may be willing to take you on as an apprentice if you make the offer. If you’re trying to land an apprenticeship, especially at a company without a formal program, you’ll need to be proactive. Target a specific company and create a short pitch on how you can add value for them.

4. Add a Profile

If you’re short on experience, consider adding a profile section to your resume. You can place it at the top, where you might otherwise put your objective or personal branding statement. Keep it short and relevant, highlighting your soft skills and the things about you that make you truly stand out.

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