4 Organization Tips Every Office Manager Should Know

Office managers have a tough job. Not only do you have to keep up with your own daily duties, but you are ultimately responsible for everyone else in the office. On good days, it might be smooth sailing, but there will inevitably be days when everything seems to go wrong at once. Fortunately, keeping everything organized can help you stay sane in even the craziest situations. Here are some tips.

Declutter Your Office

Nothing else will fall into place if you can barely walk into your own office without tripping over things. Find a logical home for each item, from pens and staplers to folders and documents. While you’re at it, go ahead and start cleaning out your email inbox and organizing your computer desktop as well.

Limit Reminders

From sticky notes to phone alarms, the average office worker is inundated with so many reminders that they become part of the problem. Create calendars instead, and encourage your team members to do the same. Send out reminders, or make them for yourself, only for the essential tasks. Set an example of checking your calendar every morning instead.


Call a team meeting to set expectations regarding goals, responsibilities, and deadlines. Build a master calendar on which everyone can see what everyone else is doing. Give your team members a couple of ways to get in touch with you, from face to face meetings to Slack chats, and let them know which to use for emergencies and which to use for more general communications. Establish a schedule of (infrequent!) individual and team meetings to discuss goals, tasks, and any completion issues.

Standardize Everything

Break your workday into chunks and strive to maintain the same general timelines each day. Designate 15-30 minutes for emails, 2-3 hours to work on ongoing projects, 1 hour for individual meetings, or whatever works for you. Strive to take breaks, including lunch, at the same time every day.

Also, take a hard look at the overall office environment to see where things can be standardized. It might be as simple as installing a new cabinet to house shared office supplies, or as complex as designating meeting times that don’t interrupt the flow of the day. The more you can get yourself and your team into a routine, the more productive everyone is likely to be.

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If you’re ready for your next job as an office manager, Custom Staffing can help. Look through our available assignments, and then apply online today.