Watch for These 5 Red Flags at Your Job

If work was always fun, it wouldn’t be called work. Every job has its downside, and every employee (and manager!) has a bad day now and then. But there’s a difference between the normal day to day stressors and a genuinely toxic work environment. Here are some red flags to look out for at your job.

Scope Creep

No job description can possibly list all the tasks that might be required. And in a tight labor market, everyone may need to pitch in to cover open positions. But scope creep is one of the most common red flags that something isn’t right. If you were hired to do a specific job and now you’re suddenly responsible for things that are way outside your area of expertise, it may be time to move on.

Too Many Meetings

Another common red flag is a company that lives and dies by meetings. Some meetings are necessary and even helpful. But if you feel like you’re spending all day every day in meetings, it’s worth asking yourself why. Too many meetings can be a sign that the company has lost its way.

Excessive Rules and Procedures

Do you have to fill out reams of paperwork just to get through the most basic aspects of your job? Are you required to get management approval for even the tiniest change in procedure? Excessive rules and procedures are among the biggest red flags, as they show a lack of trust between management and front-line employees.

Unclear Advancement Policies

Do you have a good idea of how to move up the ladder at your company? Have you and your manager sat down to chart your career path? Do you even know when your next performance review is and what to expect? If the organization leaves you guessing as to how you can get ahead, it could mean that you’re not being valued as an employee.

Cliques and Favorites

It’s impossible to avoid all workplace drama. But if management regularly turns a blind eye or, worse, encourages unhealthy competition, stop and pay attention. A workplace that pits employees against each other, or a manager who openly plays favorites, can quickly turn toxic.

If you notice any of these red flags, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to leave. But it does mean that you should start objectively examining your position. Can you work things out, or would it be better to move on? Only you can make that determination.

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