How Do I Stay Safe At Work?

Workplace safety is one important subject that should be communicated and exercised daily. It’s not enough to simply have the policies and guidelines set; employees must also adhere to the safety standards. Before you can communicate and exercise the proper safety procedures, you must be able to identify any unsafe procedures and find opportunities for improvement. Once unsafe procedures are understood, each employee should recognize safety procedures and make well-informed decisions based on those procedures on daily tasks. Here are 10 tips you should follow to practice safety in your workplace.

Wear the correct safety equipment

If your job requires you to wear earplugs, earmuffs, hard hats, safety goggles, gloves or a full-face mask, wear them. Protective gear will greatly reduce your risk of injury.

Know your company’s plan

It is important to know your company’s plan in case of an emergency. Are there emergency exits, a strategy for what your team should do if an emergency should occur? The more you know, the better prepared you can be for it. Don’t wait until an emergency happens. Take action, know the plan, and if there is no plan in place, volunteer to help make a plan.

Have fire drills

Practicing your evacuation for a probable fire ensures everyone is on the same track if a fire should occur. Fire drills are a good way for every employee to keep procedures, meeting places, and escape routes in mind.

Hold monthly or quarterly meetings

Remind employees of the proper safety procedures often and ask them for feedback on what safety procedures they think your company should be implementing. If possible, reward employees for practicing safe workplace procedures; this should encourage everyone to follow the guidelines.

Clean up spills as soon as possible

If you see a spill, never walk past it. Always clean it up or call someone else to clean it up or help you clean it up. Prevent spills and chemical poisoning by handling spills as soon as they happen or as soon as possible.

Keep your valuables with you

Keep your purse, wallet, keys, and other valuables with you at all times, or keep them locked or hidden in a safe place.

Be smart

When you’re dealing with equipment or chemicals, don’t be reckless. Follow the operation guidelines and don’t do anything you don’t know how to do. Some workplace incidents can be avoided if you are following the rules.

Stay sober

Avoid alcohol and drugs. This may seem obvious, but 3% of workplace fatalities occur because of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs affect your judgement, coordination, concentration, motor control, and alertness, so the risk is even greater.

Reduce workplace stress

Some common causes of workplace stress are long hours, job insecurity, heavy workload, and conflicts with others. If you’re feeling stressed, take your concerns to your supervisor and see how they can help you handle them. Don’t let stress build up to the point where you become depressed or it seriously affects your work.

Take breaks

Don’t become too tired, burnt out, or unalert of your surroundings. Take regular breaks, even just a walk around the building or a walk to get a glass of water or cup of coffee. Schedule your most difficult tasks for when your concentration is high, such as when you first get to work.

Your safety is important, especially in the workplace. Each safety procedure needs to be practiced by every employee to be most effective. The rules are put into place to keep you safe, so when you don’t follow the rules, you are putting yourself, and potentially others, in the face of danger.